pick your own

Starting in September

do's for pick your own

  • Pre purchased bags are required before entering orchard, and backpacks and other carriers are not allowed for fruit picking.
  • Using one hand to hold the branch, use your forefinger and thumb to gently turn fruit upward till it releases. (Pulling will cause other fruit to fall and destroy flower buds for next year's crop)
  • Fruit varieties mature at different times. Pick only in designated areas or where there is a guide or posted signs.
  • Please wear sturdy footwear.
  • Please dispose of refuse in trash receptacles.
  • Due to safety reasons, only pets certified for handicapped assistance are allowed.

dont's for pick your own

  • We do request that our visitors follow our picking rules to help retain as many apples on the trees for all pickers to enjoy.
  • Do not climb or shake the trees. Limbs break easily, and the fruit will fall and bruise.
  • Many labor intensive hours go into the loving care of our fruit bearing trees. We ask that if you accidentally drop any fruit on the ground to please make every effort to pick that piece of fruit up and place in your picking bag so that no fruit is wasted. If two or three fruits are clustered together, use two hands and gently pick all the fruit in the cluster.
  • Be mindful of your cameras, keys, cell phones, etc. as these personal belongings are easily lost.
  • Port-a-potty area is located near the barn.
  • Smoking is prohibited.
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